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Giving is a Part of Our Culture

Spaeth Property Service

It is not a large fundraiser that we do on a regular basis.  We collect donations for the children at the women's shelter each Christmas season, donate our time to set up the American flags on the green in West Springfield for Veteran's Day representing many veterans who have made the ultimate sacrifice, and we team up with the local Lion's club for charitable events through our owner, Gary Spaeth's membership.  So, making 50 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and bagging them with PopTarts or cookies and delivering them to Providence Ministry's men's shelter in Holyoke may not seem like a lot.  But, it gets a meal that otherwise might not be had into the hands of the homeless on weekends when the soup kitchens are closed.  They don't need to be refridgerated and are "to go" if need be.  And, when the weather is cold or inclement, the shelter opens up to many more in need.  My wife and I started this "ministry of PP&J" after we paid a visit for volunteers to Providence Ministries.  At first, I worked in the kitchen two days a week, helping serve meals.  After extensive shoulder surgery, I was no longer able to assist there.  One of the volunteer tour guides had told us about making sandwiches for the weekend as being a valuable need.  So, she and I started to do that every two weeks.  When Gary found out about it, he told me to bring it in house and we would all pitch in and do what we can to make sure it happens.  I know there are more impactful things we can do.  I have served on boards of directors for United Ways here and in Pickens, SC and know full well the impact of that kind of volunteering.  However, sometimes, you just need to get sticky and gooey and give someone a quick hand up.  And have fun doing it!  Like Tammy and I are doing here and most every other Thursday!

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Spaeth Property Service, Inc

(413) 781-8683
Emergency Service Number – 413-301-4181

177 Norman Street, West Springfield, MA 01089

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