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Answers to Frequently Asked Property Owner Questions

  • What options do I have to pay my monthly assessment(s)?
    Homeowners may pay their assessments online by logging in to the homeowner portal. There you can make payments that will be applied directly to your assessment account. Please be advised that a processing fee is charged for payments made by credit card, from the credit card company, not Spaeth. There is no fee for payments made by recurring debit or e-check. You can also see a copy of your ledger, make a work order request for service to your individual home and submit architectural request forms for an changes you want to make to your unit that require board notification and approval.
  • Who do I call for an after-hours emergency?
    Our staff is available from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Friday. Outside of regular business hours, Residents who are experiencing a significant flood, fire, medical or criminal emergency should first call 9-1-1 to report the emergency to the local authorities. An after-hours emergency, (i.e., damage or threat to property, etc.) can be reported to Management by dialing 413-301-4181 and selecting after-hours emergency from the menu.
  • What makes you different from other Property Management Companies?
    We believe we provide better communication and care for our customers. Working with us brings you a depth of knowledge in community management and maintenance that’s hard to find elsewhere.
  • How do you price my property?
    We do an analysis of comparable properties in the market and price your association accordingly.
  • Can you provide financial support if we don’t need full management?
    Yes, we can process your accounts payable and receivable and provide you with monthly financial reports. We can also provide routine maintenance or project assistance even if we do not have a full management contract.


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Spaeth Property Service, Inc


(413) 781-8683
Emergency Service Number – 413-301-4181

177 Norman Street, West Springfield, MA 01089

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Websites for Property Managers by Goodjuju

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